Do you have a great track just waiting to be released?
Hit us up!
We are happy to help a starving musician. We encorage you to first get your original songs uploaded to an online site so that we can connect listeners with your music, and hopefuly put a couple bucks in your pocket as well. As of right now, we are only able to feature products that are found on Amazon, so make sure we can get the hyperlink from them.
*In the Subject heading, type "Music", your name (or band) and the name of your song.
*In the message, give us a link to where we can listen to it for free, or give us a promo code to access it. If we like it, we'll post it, along with a hyperlink to where others can get it, along with the price for the track.
*Make sure you are clear in the email which link is for Barista Books to listen to and where you want your fans to go.
*Lastly, don't forget to place again in the body of the message your song's name, your band's name, and where your fans can reach you (website info, etc.)
By submitting your music, you are agreeing to let Barista Books post it, publish it and even advertise it.
Visit our Submissions page on, like us on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter, and mention us to your friends. All of us knows an artist who's really great just waiting to be discovered.
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